Levelling Up our Testing Skills
We've just finished a week of software testing in Pori with our Finnish Partners on our EU project, Level Up!
I spent the week in Pori, Finland this week to help teach students of Sataedu the basics of software testing. They were testing our games "Level Up to VET: and "Green Games 2" as their subject and were performing the test using enterprise level software: Confluence, JIRA and Testrail.

Our biggest focus was finding bugs in our new City point exploring system in Level Up. We devised a couple of dev tools for students to access in the game so they could see exactly where they are. Our character is now able to travel pathways in any direction upon the roll of a dice and thanks to the students - the avatar's able to do so bug free.
Over the course of the week tickets were raised against the game using JIRA's ticketing software and each student tagged and monitored their progress over the week. Bugs and improvements were raised against the game, so there was a lot of agile development and testing through the week, from whole pathways being blocked to cars not sitting on the pavement correctly.

Test Sprints
Over the course of the week we managed to run two test sprints for Level Up, and were able to quash most of the bugs. The testing process showed a dramatic improvement over the course of the week thanks to the students keen eyes and hard work.

Penjii gets involved
Since the students were so quick in finding the issues, we quickly moved onto Green Games 2 testing. Penjii was ready and waiting. Using a second kanban board on JIRA students tried (and succeeded) in finding issues ahead of Penjii's release.
One student managed to rack up a score of 718,000 without moving, a bug that has since been corrected.

I also had the opportunity to meet with the people of the IGDA Finland (International Game Developers Association). A monthly group of indie developers specialising in 3D modelling, game development and even a motion capture suit.
Luca Deriu another visitor to Sataedu spoke in detail about his company, Play Sys, their upcoming projects including insights into VR and AR development tools and ideas.
They're a small group of avid developers who meet once a month, if you're ever in Pori, make sure to check out their facebook if you want to meet a friendly face who loves their work.
Back to Work
There's lots of work left to complete for these games before we release them so it's time to get back to work. Keep up to date with Level Up to VET using our website and we'll be sharing more updates about Penjii next month.