Green Hipster Hotel, our sustainability mobile app
The Great Green Hipster Hotel is an EU funded project that aims to educate students in the hospitality and catering sector about food food waste, water management and energy management.

The EU Project
In the context of this very conformant European priority, the central aim of the proposed project is to develop an online digital game and game-based-learning methodology, along with associated guidelines and training for learners, for the understanding and implementation of knowledge, skills, strategies, tools and regulations related to food and water waste and energy management within the Tourism and Hospitality sector, in addition to advocating attitudinal change and endorsement of relevant environmental values.
Consortium Partners:
- Co-ordinator:Cork Institute of Technology, IRELAND (IE)
- FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, AUSTRIA (AT)
- Caped Koala Studios, UNITED KINGDOM (UK)
- European Institute for Future Studies and Strategic Planning, SPAIN (ES)
- Adelphi research gemeinützige GmbH, GERMANY (GE).

Available on the App Stores Now
Hipsters! They seem to be everywhere nowadays. But when they’re not browsing thrift stores for vintage fedoras, riding their fixies or looking for the latest album by “Alt-DL and the Wookies” (you wouldn’t have heard of them), where do they stay?
Well as manager of your own brand new hotel, that’s now up to you! Build your own vision of a perfect hipster hotel – a paradise for these skinny-jeaned settlers - and make your fortunes from your hipster inhabitants!
To make your mark, you will be challenged to make sure your hotel stays as eco-friendly as possible. Upgrade your rooms and train your staff to make sure you stay good and green and challenge yourself to learn more about sustainable development and food, water and energy waste in hotels.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Erasmus+ Programme Grant Agreement number: 2017-1-IE01-KA201-02572

Darragh Coakley, Roisin Garvey
Project Co-ordinators
Krzysztof Żarczyński
Lead Game Developer
Marek Tutkowski, Agata Majewska
Lead Artists
Raquel Serrano, Eugenia Atin
Water Sustainability
Silas Schürmann
Energy Management
Tadgh Coakley, Colum Giobson
Food waste and sustainability